Water Services

We assist several manufacturing and service industries in dealing with critical water and environmental issues, in particular at contaminated sites, where we help close out remediation projects that tie up resources and represent a continued risk.

  • Water Sampling and Analysis
  • NPDES Permitting, Sampling and Reporting
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan/Mgt/ Development/Inspections/Sampling/Reporting
  • Shoreline Stabilization/Watershed Protection
  • Erosion & Sediment Control

SACAL provides the technology and expert consulting services to manage high-risk sites in complex settings (e.g., the presence of dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) sources, multicompound flow, and fractured rock systems). Improved characterization of source zones and aquifer systems utilizing advanced data acquisition and processing tools, geophysical methods, and investigation tools helps overcome obstacles. By optimizing existing remedial technologies (conventional and emerging) and developing predictable outcomes, we help save considerable costs and facilitate project planning.

Stormwater Management and Erosion Control

SACAL provides expert resources experienced in stormwater management and erosion control programs. We assist with site planning and design to ensure onsite reduction, control and treatment of surface runoff. We design, install and monitor erosion control system based on best management practices. SACAL provides assistance in NPDES.