Sardis Church Road Extension

Macon-Bibb County awards Moreland Altobelli Associates/SACAL Global Solutions team Architect-Engineering Services contract to perform and develop a scoping study for the new roadway between the terminations of the current GDOT Sardis Church Road Extension project at Georgia Hwy 247 east to I-16. The purpose of the study is to develop a proposed location or locations of a road extending to I-16 that can minimize wetland and stream areas that need to be crossed, and thus require an expensive bridging of the wetlands, while identifying high ground that is suitable for road construction. Three alternatives shall be developed and evaluated with cost estimates and environmental impacts provided for each alternative. Cost estimates shall include design, utilities, right of way, construction, and environmental mitigation. In addition, the amount of environmental impacts will be noted for each alternative. The new roadway will cross the Ocmulgee River to connect to I-16. This will greatly improve transportation connections in the Middle Georgia area, benefit Robins Air Force Base with a new route to I-16, provide a short-cut from I-75 to I-16 diverting traffic from Macon, and provide a new river crossing to supplement the small number of bridges over the Ocmulgee River.

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